Welcome To The Rost Roost




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Diane and I have been married 5 years now and between us we have 6 children, 4 boys and 2 girls. We have 12 grand kids at last count.

Mark and Sandy have 3 children ranging in age from 6 months to 8 years. 3 boys

Craig has 3 children ranging in age from 2 to 7.  2 girls and 1 boy.

Connie has 2 children, a girl 7 years old and a boy 2 year old.

Jerry has a boy 3 years old.

Melanie lives in Missouri and has 3 children at last count. 2 girls and a boy.

Jeff doesn't have any children at this point.


Diane and I also have 2 dogs (Jessie and Sam), a cat named Charley and four fish. They don't suffer from our desire to give our pets names.

We live on five treed acres about 20 miles north of Spokane Washington.  


We spend our week ends working on the property and enjoying the quiet.   we can sit on our porch and watch the deer grazing. our house is near the center of the property so we have allot of privacy and can do almost anything without disturbing the neighbors. 
