THIS IS DIANE'S PAGE Hello. Nice for you to visit me. I always love company. In my spare time I like to do craft projects. Below is a couple of projects I have done:
I also love to crochet, make bead jewelry and I try almost any craft at least once to see if I have time, or want to do it any more. Both of the above pieces of work I have given away. My Christmas greeting cards are all individualized and I have to start in late September or early October to get them all done. It takes about 15 minutes to do each card. I love to see people's faces when they receive my cards. I work in a retail store 40 hours a week, so I don't get as much time as I like to spend on my crafts or enjoy my husband's company. Family means a lot to me. It seems as if when we have the time, we don't have the money to do the things we like to do. Maybe we will hit the lottery someday and we can sit back and enjoy each other's company more. Well I better go for now. Thank you for visiting me. Until next time may God Bless. last edited